Sunday, August 23, 2009

School starts tomorrow

     It's the night before my 35th year of teaching begins.  I've started the day relaxing over morning coffee with my husband while talking by cell phone to my youngest son who is living out of the country teaching English for a year. We biked 12 miles through the sunshine of the glorious waning days of summer with crowds of people hoping for the same pleasures.  Grocery shopping at my favorite organic food store was next, aided with a list of foods for wholesome, healthy foods to have on hand for planned meals and snacking for the upcoming week.  Did I mention weight loss was one of my other goals for the year?
     I must be crazy to add one more thing to my list of things to do.  Could I blog every day? Never, but maybe once a week? No, that sounds like too much of an assignment.  One of the reasons I don't belong to a book club.  I don't want to interrupt my own reading to read an assigned book.  So I'll say this is an occasional blog and leave it at that.  Tomorrow is the beginning of teacher workshop.  Students don't begin until next week.